- stock-no.:
- 0400582
- type of machine:
- Universal Milling Machine
- make:
- model:
- 6M82 - 1212
- year of manufacture:
- 1970
- type of control:
- conventional
- country of origin:
- Russia
- freight basis:
- ex location Bitterfeld, free on truck
- storage location:
- GOG Bitterfeld
- delivery time:
- on request
- price:
- on request
technical details
- x-travel:
- mm
- y-travel:
- mm
- z-travel:
- mm
- control:
- spindle taper ISO:
- distance table/horizontal spindle:
- mm
- range of revolution per miute:
- U/min
- Table dimensions:
- mm
- clamping surface area:
- mm
- feed::
- mm/min
- total power requirement:
- kVA
- machine weight approx.:
- 3100 kg
- dimension machine approx.LxWxH:
- m
- dimensions electric cabinet:
- m