sheet metal working
- stock-no.:
- 0100631
- type of control:
- year of manufacture:
- 1990
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Pressure:
- 63 t
- distance between columns:
- 200 mm
- stroke:
- 150 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100574
- type of control:
- other
- year of manufacture:
- 2010
- country of origin:
- Germany
- balancing body max.:
- kg
- balancing body diameter w/o machining unit:
- mm
- balancing body diameter with machining unit:
- mnm
- stock-no.:
- 0100577
- type of control:
- other
- year of manufacture:
- 2004
- country of origin:
- Germany
- balancing body max.:
- 120 kg
- balancing body diameter w/o machining unit:
- mm
- balancing body diameter with machining unit:
- mnm
- stock-no.:
- 0100578
- type of control:
- other
- year of manufacture:
- 2004
- country of origin:
- Germany
- balancing body max.:
- 2000 kg
- balancing body diameter w/o machining unit:
- 1500 mm
- balancing body diameter with machining unit:
- mnm
- stock-no.:
- 0100628
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1994
- country of origin:
- Germany
- Beam size:
- mm
- Punching capacity:
- kN
- air pressure - required:
- 8 bar
- stock-no.:
- 0104000
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- -
- country of origin:
- Germany
- cutting capacity:
- 1 mm
- throat:
- mm
- round blank diameter max.:
- 1000 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100036
- type of control:
- year of manufacture:
- 1998
- country of origin:
- Germany
- tube diameter max.:
- mm
- tube diameter min.:
- mm
- wall thickness max.:
- mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100520
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1986
- country of origin:
- Germany
- sheet width:
- 650 mm
- coil weight:
- ca. 2 t
- coil internal diameter:
- 350 - 570 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0100641
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- ca. 1990
- country of origin:
- Ireland
- pressure:
- 80 t
- distance between columns:
- 880 mm
- dayligth:
- 200 mm
- stock-no.:
- 0105000
- type of control:
- conventional
- year of manufacture:
- 1995
- country of origin:
- Germany
- sheet width:
- 1500 mm
- plate thickness:
- 1 mm
- no. of strokes:
- Hub/min